Line Graph Representation of Data


Line Graph Representation of Data: Overview

This Topic covers sub-topics such as Line Graph, Multiple Line Graph, Line Graphs with Uniform Intervals, Formation of Line Graphs from Bar Graphs, Understanding Time - Distance Line Graphs and, Line Graphs with Non-uniform Intervals

Important Questions on Line Graph Representation of Data


Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions below it.

Question Image
Number of students (Males & Females) passed out from various Colleges in a year.

What is the average number of students (Males & Females) passed out from all the colleges together?


Study the following graph carefully to answer these questions.

The graph below represents the quantity (in Kg) of various items sold and price per Kg.

Question Image
What is the average price per Kg. of wheat and rice sold? (rounded off to nearest integer)


Read the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below. Total number of students appearing in an examination from two schools A and B over the years:
Question Image

What is the respective ratio between the number of passed students from school A in 2012 and number of passed students from school B in 2010?


Read the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below. Number of players participating and winning medal in a national sport competition of a country (in 00):

Question Image

What is the percentage decrease in the number of players participating from 2005 to 2006?


Study the following graph carefully and answer the question given below:

The following line graph gives the number of Students Studying in Different Universities in a year,
Question Image
What is the average number of females in all the Universities together?


Study the following graph carefully to answer the question given below.
Number of selected employees in different grades/ranks by three companies in 2012

Question Image

What is the respective ratio of selected employees for the post of assistant IT managers by all the companies A, B and C together ?


Study the following line graph and answer the questions based on it.

Question Image

What is the difference between the numbers of vehicles manufactured by Company Y in 2000 and 2001?


Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below:

The below line graph represents the profit (in %) earned by two companies over the years.

Question Image

In which of the following years the ratio of the profit percent earned by company A to that of company B was the maximum?


Answer the given question based on the following data:

The below graph represents the Export of Cashew nuts in Quantity and Values from the USA during 1994-1998.

Question Image

If the quantity of exports in 1999 was 5% more than the average export for the given period, what was the volume exported in 1999?


Read the following graph carefully and answer the question given below-
Production of truck (in thousands) by two companies in different years
Question Image

What is the respective ratio between the production of company A in 2006 and production of company B in 2008?


Study the graph carefully to answer the following questions:

The given graph represents the percent profit (in %) earned by six companies during 2010 and 2011.

Question Image

If the expenditure of company Q in the years 2010 and 2011 are equal, what was the ratio of its income in the year 2010 to that in 2011?


Study the following graph carefully and answer the question given below:

The below line graph shows the Income and Expenditure (in lakhs) of various companies during a year,

Question Image

What is the average income earned by all the companies together?


Read the following graph and answer the questions given below-

The following graph shows the balance of three persons Uday, Vijay and Lokendra in a branch of IOB for theundefined of the year.

Question Image

Balance of Lokendra in first three months is approximate what percent of the balance of last three months salary?


Read the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below. Percentage profit of two companies in different years:

Question Image

If total income of company B in 2008 was 140 crore, then what was the total expenditure of that company in the same year?


Direction : Following line graphs show the ratio of income to expenditure of two companies 'A' and 'B' during the period 2005-2010.

Question Image

If the income of company A in the year 2005 was 59.5 lakh what was its expenditure?


Study the following graph carefully and answer the following question.
Question Image

What is the sum of the average income of the years 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 and average expenditure of the years 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010?


The following line-graph gives the annual percent profit earned by a Company during the period 1995-2000. Study the line-graph and answer the questions that are based on it.
Percent Profit Earned by a company Over the Years
% Profit = Income - Expenditure/Expenditure * 100
Question Image

During which of the following years was the ratio of income to expenditure the minimum?


Study the following information and answer the question that follows:
Number of Units Manufactured and Sold by Company Over the Years (Units in Lakhs)

Question Image

What is the difference between the number of unsold units of the company in the year 2006 and the number of unsold units of the company in the year 2009?


The following line chart gives the ratio of the amounts of imports by a company to the amount of exports from that company over the period from1995 to 2001. Answer the following questions based on following line graph:
Question Image

In how many of the given years were the exports more than imports?


Read the following graph carefully and answer the question given below.

Production of wheat in different states in 3 years in lakh tonnes

Question Image

What is the total production of wheat in all the states in 2009? (in lakh tonnes)